The idea, behind the Krav Maga can be summarised with a few words: everything is permitted, when you are fighting for your own or others lives!
Therefore the Krav Maga system was developed to bring soldiers to a high level of skill, in a relatively short period of time. It is also taught in the institutions of the Israeli Education Ministry. Krav Maga was originated by Imi Lichtenfeld who developed it during his remarkable career, first as chief instructor of the hand to hand combat with the I.D.F. then within various civilian frameworks.
Everything is permitted.
Krav Maga the official close combat and self-defense system of the Israeli army, the police and security forces was developed in an environment where the Israeli military could not devote many hours of hand to hand combat training for their personnel
The Definition of Krav Maga LI
Krav Maga Liven International is the evolution of the Krav Maga system through the skill and experience of Kaicho Raffi Liven. Kaicho Livens development of the system is one of the only developments accepted by the late Master Imi Lichtenfeld. Kaicho Liven has utilized his vast street knowledge and experience and created the most simple and effective form of selfdefense ever created!

Kaicho Raffi Liven and Imi Lichtenfeld were very close, over the years they developed a father/son relationship due to Imis love for Kaicho Raffi Livens ambition and will to be great. Imi was always impressed with Kaicho Livens skill. He was particularly impressed with Kaicho Liven during a meeting in which Kaicho Liven began to show Imi the latest developments that he had made to the Krav Maga System.
I am Beate. I really appreciate Kaicho Raffi Liven a lot.
For more than 30 years I trained by Kaicho Liven. I travelled with him everywere.
He came to Germany to teach us in Chemnitz, Potsdam and other towns. I travelled to Denmark many times to train by Kaicho Raffi Liven and I took part in many international competitions all around Europe representing ShoShinKarateDo. And I win in some of the competition.
I was travelling to Israel many many times. For training, graduation of another masters and visiting old Masters, closed friends of Kaicho Raffi Liven. For example Master Dennis Survival Hannover, Gadi Skornik (rip) who was close to Kaicho Liven. I met also Eli Aviksar (rip) who was a close friend and colleque to Kaicho Liven. I met also Moshe Buchnik, the president of the Israel Karate Federation and also all Moshe Buchnik’s students.
I also met Master Imi Lichtenfeld (rip) in Netanya when he was so excited to meet Kaicho Raffi Liven. Imi said that he learned a lot from Kaicho Raffi Liven. He said “Tell me Raffi – are the stupid my student? Raffi asked why? He answered: Over all this years no one of my students developed the Krav Maga, only you and I respect it a lot” He respected and liked Kaicho Liven a lot. Thats why I use any possibility to train with Kaicho Raffi Liven and I am jealoss on those who can train with him all the time.
Beside physical training the instruction contains the development of mental discipline and the ability to master violent situations under stress. The student learns to use the trained techniques in dangerous situations reflex-like and to keep an appropriate mental attitude. Great importance is attached to the training of this mental attitude and discipline as a prerequisite of the control of a situation. Based on the analysis of innumerable incidents that can occur in reality the reaction on violent situations will be practised in the training. Handling armed and unarmed opponents belongs to this as well as e.g. the practice of the learned techniques at confined or dark places while using all local conditions. These training methods are used in most Israeli elite units and proved their effectiveness often in the reality.

The Krav Maga system covers two main parts, selfdefense and close combat. Selfdefense as the basis of the system contains learning of different techniques, which enable a defence against a multiplicity of violent attacks, like fist attacks, kicks, strangleholds, armed attacks with a knife, baseball bats or pistols.
Close combat is the more fastidious phase of Krav Maga, that teaches the advanced student how to disable the attacker fast and effective. It covers the elements of the actual controlling of the fight like tactics, the combination of different techniques, feints and physiological aspects of a fight.
Krav Maga is a modern highly developed selfdefense and combat system against attacks on the street or sexual annoyances. The techniques taught in Krav Maga contain similarities with those of Ju Jitsu and Karate but without spectacular and demonstrative features. Thus there are no Katas or even sport competition because there exist no restrictive rules for fighting.
Krav Maga is not holding on traditional techniques and ways of thinking. It is a modern and effective system of self-defence adjusted and continually developed to satisfy the needs of the present time.
Close combat is the more fastidious phase of Krav Maga, that teaches the advanced student how to disable the attacker fast and effective. It covers the elements of the actual controlling of the fight like tactics, the combination of different techniques, feints and physiological aspects of a fight.
This really amazed Imi, for so long he wondered why none of his other students had taken the initiative to try to develop the system that he had created. Kaicho Raffi Liven gained this knowledge through his many experiences over the years. He has served in the Israeli Army as a soldier and para-trooper, been the most well known bodyguard in Europe, served as a bodyguard for the President of the Carribean Island of Martinique, as well instructing military units and special forces all over the world.

Kaicho Raffi Liven had more than 1000 fights to his credit against criminals and other bad people. Kaicho Liven offers a way for the common man to prevail over their attacker and defend themselves in all situations. Kaicho Raffi Livens Krav Maga is the only form of self defense created from real street experience and street situations. Kaicho Raffi Liven has taken the very best of various elements and combined them to form the perfect self defense system.